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Business School

Date: 2016-11-16    Source: 

Business School of Liaoning University dates back to the Teaching and Research Division of Industrial Economics and Accounting, Northeastern Commercial School, which was founded in 1948. In October 1995, the School of Business Administration was established based on the combination of three former departments: Department of Business Administration, Department of Finance and Accounting and Department of Marketing. The School was renamed “Business School” in March 2010.


Teaching and Research Units

The School consists of seven departments, namely Business Administration, Accounting, Auditing, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Tourism Management and Management Science and Engineering. Besides, the School has MBA Education Center, EMBA Education Center, Master of Professional Accounting and Auditing Education Center, Research Center of Teaching Reform, Center of Case Study, and Research Center of Tourism Planning. It also possesses Key Research Bases of Humanities and Social Sciences for Ordinary Higher Institutions in Liaoning Province - Research Center of Modern Corporate Governance and Growth, Training Base of Senior Managerial Talents of Institutions of Higher Education of Liaoning Province, and Training Base of Specialized Talents as Certified Public Accountants of CICPA.

Discipline Construction

The School is entitled to confer doctor’s degree of business administration as first-level discipline. It has four authorized doctor’s degree programs (Business Management, Technological Economics and Management, Accounting and Tourism Management) and a post-doctoral mobile research station of Business Administration. In addition, the School is entitled to confer academic master’s degree of five authorized programs, i.e. Business Management, Accounting, Technological Economics and Management, Tourism Management and Management Science and Engineering, as well as five professional master’s degree programs of MBA, EMBA, MPAcc, Maud and Master of Valuation. The School currently has six bachelor degree programs of Business Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Tourism Management, Human Resources Management and Project Management.


At present, the School has 72 full-time teachers, among whom there are 19 professors, 9 doctorate advisors, and 28 associate professors. Over 80% of the teachers hold their doctor’s degrees. Of all faculties, there is a member of the Disciplinary Appraisal Panels under the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, experts who are granted the special stipend by the State Council, experts who are selected as one of the hundred talents in the Project of Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents of Liaoning province. The School also recruited many distinguished experts and scholars or successful elites in the industry as its guest professors.

Looking ahead, Business School, in accordance with the spirit of the University motto “Have Moral Integrity and Learn What is Best; Live Up to Our Cause and Make China Strong”, will be a truth seeker, staying practical and developing in a scientific way, in order to strive for the construction of a top tier business school at home with big impact!

Undergraduate Programs

Business Administration


Human Resources Management


Tourism Management

Project Management

Academic Master’s Programs

Business Management


Tourism Management

Technological Economics and Management

Management Science and Engineering

Professional Master’s Programs

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc)

Master of Auditing (Maud)

Master of Valuation 

Doctor’s Degree Programs

Business Management


Tourism Management

Technological Economics and Management