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Learning from XI Jinping’s Economic Thought — Professor YU Miaojie Gives a Lecture at the “LNU Song Zexing Lecture Series”

Date: 2022-09-16    Source: 

On the morning of September 15, in order to study Xi Jinping’s economic thoughts in depth and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Liaoning University held the first report meeting of “Song Zexing Lecture Series” in the Academic Lecture Hall of the Office Building of Puhe Campus. Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University, gave an academic report entitled “Building a New Development Pattern of China’s Economy — Learning from Xi Jinping’s Economic Thought”.

Based on his deep understanding of Xi Jinping’s economic thought as the latest achievement of the modernization of Marxism in China, Professor Yu Miaojie pointed out that Xi Jinping’s economic thought is the fundamental compliance and action guide for the economic work in the new era. Strengthening the party’s overall leadership over economic work is the fundamental guarantee for our economic development, and economic development must adhere to the fundamental stance of putting people at the center. Prof. Yu Miaojie started from the new situation and new problems brought about by the unprecedented changes in a century and the pandemic of the century. By combining vivid examples and detailed data, he profoundly explained the theoretical basis, practical basis and policy implications of fully implementing the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing, and a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other after China’s economy enters a new stage of development characterized by high-quality development. At the same time, he also cleared up confusions of teachers and students, and put forward many inspiring new ideas.



The report had a high-level structure, grand narrative, vivid contents, and simple explanations, which can help teachers and students to further enhance their in-depth understanding and overall grasp of Xi Jinping’s economic thought. It was an impressive lecture that was generally regarded as a high-level tutoring report for learning Xi Jinping’s economic thought.

The lecture was hosted by the Faculty of Economics, undertaken by the School of Economics, and co-organized by the China Economic Research Institute of Liaoning University. Some teachers and student representatives of the university, as well as more than 70 young cadres and selected cadres participated in the report in a combination of online and offline methods. The report meeting was chaired by Prof. Xie Di, Deputy Director of the Faculty of Economics of Liaoning University.