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Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research (LIER) holds International Conference on Applied Economic Theory Innovation (ICAETI)

Date: 2022-09-21    Source: 

Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research successfully held the online International Conference on Applied Economic Theory Innovation (ICAETI). Scholars, faculty and student representatives from Boston College, Nanjing Audit University and Liaoning University attended the conference. Huo Chunhui, vice president of Liaoning University hosted the opening ceremony of ICAETI.

 During the keynote report time, Professor Utku Unver from Boston College delivered “Blood Allocation with Replacement Donors: A Theory of Multi-unit Exchange with Compatibility-based Preferences”, focusing on blood allocation mechanism. Also from Boston College, Professor Bumin Yenmez gave a report titled “Design on Matroids: Diversity vs. Meritocracy”. Professor Umut Dur from America presented a report “Market Design for Distributional Objectives in (Re)assignment: An Application to Improve the Distribution of Teachers in Schools”, sharing the study over the teachers’ distribution mechanism. Professor Yu Ning from Nanjing Audit University and Assistant Professor Chunyu Ho of LIER respectively delivered report titled “Job Matching with Subsidy and Taxation” and “Airport Slot Allocation Problems”.

As the first international economic conference focusing on micro-economic theory and mechanism design held by Liaoning University, it is conducive to advancing the development of LNU’s "Double First-Class" Initiative in Applied Economics, and also improving academic quality and advantage.