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Liaoning University’s Projects Selected by the Ministry of Education as 2023 Projects of Excellence for Ideological and Political Work in Higher Institutions

Date: 2023-02-25    Source: 

    Recently, the Department of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Education published the results of 2023 Projects of Excellence, which are conducted to improve the quality of ideological and political work in higher educational institutions. As the project leader, Party Secretary of Liaoning University Pan Yishan was honored for his project, “Research and Practice of the ‘One Network, Two Sides, Five Dimensions’ Practical Education System, Based on Real-Life Problems and Situations,” which was successfully selected as a 2023 Project of Excellence for its contribution to ideological and political work in higher educational institutions.


       2023 Projects of Excellence in Ideological and Political Work excerpt

    In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s principles on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, as well as the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, comprehensive reform in the quality of ideological and political work is needed within higher educational institutions. It also serves as an incentive for higher educational institutions to better implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivation among its students. The aim is to accelerate the construction of ideological and political work in higher educational institutions, striving to cultivate a new generation of Chinese youth who can shoulder the great responsibility of revitalizing the Chinese nation. Out of the 100 projects selected for the 2023 Projects of Excellence in ideological and political work, three  are from Liaoning University.

    Pan’s aforementioned project, “Research and Practice of the ‘One Network, Two Sides, Five Dimensions’ Practical Education System, Based on Real-Life Problems and Situations,” combines real-life cases with cultivation practice through research on a Smart platform. Its purpose is to educate students through applying a “Kan Gua website” (one network), which connects campus and society (interchangeably) in order to build a five-dimensional collaborative system of institutions for teaching management, scientific research management, innovation and entrepreneurship, career guidance, and student affairs. This will encourage students to tackle real-life problems and thereby obtain valuable knowledge, strengthen their abilities, and cultivate moral character.