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ZHONGGUO SHUIWU BAO|Seminar on Taxation and the Promotion of New-Quality Productive Forces Development Held at LNU

Date: 2024-07-26    Source: 

On July 26, 2024, ZHONGGUO SHUIWU BAO reported on page A2 with the headline "Seminar on Taxation and the Promotion of New-Quality Productive Forces Development," covering the key news about Liaoning University successfully holding the seminar. The original text is as follows:


Recently, the Seminar on "Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC Central Committee's Third Plenary Session: Taxation and the Promotion of New-Quality Productive Forces Development - Theoretical Practice and Teaching" was held in Shenyang. This event was hosted by the School of Economics of Liaoning University and organized by the LNU’s Local Government Debt Research Institute.

Experts and scholars from Central University of Finance and Economics, Nankai University, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, and the Liaoning Provincial Institute of Fiscal Science, as well as researchers from the Liaoning Provincial Certified Tax Agents Association, Shenyang Taxation Society, and relevant personnel from the Liaoning Provincial Tax Service of State Taxation Administration, attended the seminar. Participants engaged in in-depth discussions on topics such as "Tax System Optimization for Promoting New-Quality Productive Forces Development" and "Tax Policy Research for Promoting New-Quality Productive Forces Development," offering recommendations on how to better utilize taxation to advance the development of new-quality productive forces.

In his speech, Yu Miaojie, the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University, stated that the development of new-quality productive forces is of significant theoretical and practical importance for revitalizing the old industrial base of Liaoning and achieving new breakthroughs in comprehensive revitalization. The advancement of new-quality productive forces relies not only on the guidance and support of national policies but also on the assistance and promotion of taxation policies.

At the meeting, experts and scholars actively offered suggestions on how to better utilize taxation to promote the development of new-quality productive forces. Bai Yanfeng, Dean and Professor at the Graduate School of Central University of Finance and Economics, argued that the development trends of new and old energy structures necessitate the prompt adaptive optimization of the national tax system to better harness the guiding role of taxation. Gu Cheng, Dean of the School of Taxation at Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, after analyzing the challenges faced in promoting the development of new-quality productive forces through taxation, proposed policy options from seven different aspects. Sun Peishan, President of the Liaoning Provincial Certified Tax Agents Association, conducted an analysis and discussion on the role of tax-related professional services in new-quality productive forces. Song Lei, Director of the Taxation Bureau of Huanggu District, Shenyang, based on years of grassroots tax work experience and regional high-tech industry development data, suggested enhancing the precision and effectiveness of tax and fee policies through joint efforts from multiple departments.