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Professor Hua Xiuping from Nottingham University Delivers at Bai Qingxian Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars

Date: 2024-10-09    Source: 

On October 8, 2024, the 8th lecture of Bai Qingxian Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars was held at Puhe Campus of Liaoning University,where Hua Xiuping, a Professor in Financial Technologies and PhD Supervisor of Nottingham University Business School (China) delivered a report. Professor Yu Miaojie, a Fellow of the International Economics Association, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University attended the lecture and delivered a welcome speech. Professor Li Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and Dean of the School of Economics introduced the speaker. The lecture was presided over by Professor He Jun, Vice President of the School of Economics of Liaoning University.





Professor Hua Xiuping made an in-depth analysis of the current situation and trends of the global economy and Chinas economy by using the latest economic data on the topic of Analysis of the Domestic and International Economic Situation and Future Prospects. She noted that the global economy is gradually slowing down and entering a new normal, showing an upward trend of inflation and a downward trend of growth. The United States, countries in the Euro zone, Japan and other economies have different performances while Chinas has maintained steady economic growth, but it faces a complex and volatile situation at home and abroad. Geopolitical conflict and epidemic has aggravated global uncertainty, promoting the change of financial structure and the regionalization of supply chains. She stressed that under the current situation, China is facing deep-seated challenges and opportunities. In this case, China should speed up industrial upgrading and transformation, develop new-quality productive forces and promote high-quality economic development with scientific and technological innovation. New quality productive forces focus on high technologies, high efficiency and high quality, which is not only the core driving force for future economic development, but also the key to enhancing national competitiveness. At the same time, it is imperative to actively cultivate emerging industries, strengthen intellectual property protection, optimize the business environment and attract domestic and foreign investment to inject new impetus to economic growth. In the end, she also listed the development direction and prospects of strategic emerging industries and future industries.





After the lecture, Yu Miaojie presented Professor Hua Xiuping with a commemorative certificate of Bai Qingxian Lecture by Overseas Prestigious Scholars and a letter of appointment as a visiting professor of Liaoning University. Li Zheng presented a commemorative photo and Huo Weidong, Deputy Director of the Faculty of Economics presented the Think Tank Report of Liaoning University to Professor Hua Xiuping. Professor Zhang Guanghui of the School of Economics presented a school cap and Rong Ying, a teacher representative of the School of Economics presented flowers to Professor Hua Xiuping. The guests took photos together.




More than 80 leaders, teachers and student representatives from the Faculty of Economics attended the lecture.      


Brief biography of Professor Hua Xiuping:    

Hua Xiuping is currently a professor in financial technologies and PhD supervisor at the Business School of Nottingham University (China), Director of the Blockchain Laboratory in UNNC-Ningbo Economic Development Zone and Executive Deputy Director of the New Structure Research Center in Ningbo. She also serves as a member of the 13th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, a standing member of the 16th Ningbo Municipal Committee, Vice President of the Ningbo Association of Women Scientists and Technicians and is a young academic leader (financial discipline) in Zhejiang universities. She holds a double degree in law and economics from Peking University and a masters and doctoral degree in finance from the University of Sheffield.  

Her research focuses on China, European and American financial markets, including financial technologies, science and technology finance and inclusive finance. She has published dozens of papers in academic journals such as Journal of International Money and Finance,European Journal of Finance, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Association for Information Systems, Economic Research Journal, Journal of Financial Research and China Economic Quarterly. She has published monographs in Peking University Publishing House and Zhejiang University Publishing House. At the same time, as a project leader, she has received dozens of research fund from domestic and foreign governments, academic institutions and financial institutions.