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ZHANG Xiaojing

Date: 2016-12-02    Source: 

ZHANG Xiaojing, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of Liaoning University, Director of China Institute of International Economic Law, Member of WTO Research Center in China, Member of China Institute of International Financial Law. Research projects include National Social Science Fund: “Legal Issues of China's Participation in the Global Financial Governance” in 2014, National Post Doctoral Special Fund: “The Human Rights Responsibility in the Global Financial Governance” in 2014, National Post Doctoral General Fund: “China and International Financial Soft Law”, etc. The research papers include Analyzing and Rethinking the Legitimacy Dilemma of Bretton Woods Institutions in Journal of Xiamen University, Vol. 5, 2014, The Public Responsibility of International Financial Institutions in The Jurist, Vol.1, 2014, Proper Interpretation of Corporate Nationality under International Investment Law to Prevent Treaty Shopping in Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (CAA),Vol. V., No. 1, 2013, etc.


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