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BAI Meijiadai

Date: 2021-06-15    Source: 

Lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication, Liaoning University

Education Background

Ph.D. in Communications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US (2014)

Master of Literature in Communication, Peking University (2009)

Bachelor of Engineering in Automation, China Agriculture University (2007)


Work Experiences

Lecturer, School of Journalism and Communication, Liaoning University (2020~)

Lecturer, School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University (2015– 2020)

Instructor/TA, College of Media, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2013-2014)


Research Interests

Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender & Media, Fandom, Media Industry, (Auto)ethnography



1.     Chinese Publications (Including works in traditional Chinese)

Bai, M. (2021). New Adaptation of “Nezha (Neon God) Story”: Change of Individualism and Filial Piety in Contemporary China. In Teng Wei ed., Problems of Gender: Micro-Cultural Studies (Vol. 2), 00.102-127. Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House.

Zhou, Y.* & Bai, M. (2021). The Value Co-Creation Mechanism of Celebrity Endorsement: Netnography of Multiple Fan Communities. Foreign Economics & Management (CSSCI), 43(1): 3-22.

Bai, M. (forthcoming 2021). Mom Loves You: Chinese Mom-Fans, Idol Industry, Gender and Intimatopia.  Communication and Society (TSSCI).

Bai, M. (forthcoming). The Business and/of Dreams: A Comparative Study of Idol Industry in China, Japan, and South Korea. Media Critique

Bai, M. (2020). Hua Mulan and Fa Mulan: Gender and Nation-State in Retelling Chinese Stories. Journal of Guangzhou University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2020(6): 67-73, 91.

Chen, Z., Li, X., & Bai, M.* (2019). 2018 Annual Report of News on Gender. In Zhang Zhi’an & Xu Guiquan ed., An Annual Report on Chinese Journalism (2019), pp. 211-235. Beijing, China: People’s Daily Press.

Bai, M. (2018). Gender and Public Relations: Rethinking Power Structure and Limits of Research. In Chen Xianhong ed., Public Relations Studies in China. Beijing, China: China Communication University Press.

Ouyang, Q., Lin, Y., & Bai, M.* (2018). 2017 Annual Report of News on Gender Issues: An Approach of Institutional Construction for Gender Equality. In Zhang Zhi’an ed., An Annual Report on Chinese Journalism (2018), pp. 235-254. Beijing, China: People’s Daily Press.

Guan, S.*, Wang, Y., Gong, X., Wang, Y., & Bai, M. (2008). Effect Analysis of How CCTV’s Report of Wenchuan Earthquake Influence American Mainstream Media. In Liang Xiaotao ed., Shaking: Media Memory. Beijing, China: China Democratic and Legal Press.

2.     English Publications

Bai, M. (2021). Regulation of Pornography and Criminalization of BL Readers and Authors in Contemporary China (2010-2019). Cultural Studies (SSCI, AHCI). DOI:

Bai, M. (2013). Gothic Monster and Cultural Identity of Chinese: Analysis of The Note of Ghoul. In M. Balaji (Ed.), Thinking Dead: What the Zombie Apocalypse Means, pp. 105-125. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, and Plymouth, UK: Rowman & Littlefield/Lexington Books.

Bai, M. (2012). Love, Sex, Marriage: A Family History on the Women’s Side.  Qualitative Inquiry (SSCI), 18(6): pp. 475-481. 

3.     Translations

Valdivia, A. N. (2017). Histories and Developments of Communication, Media, Gender and Critical Studies: A Dialogue with Angharad N. Valdivia. (Meijiadai Bai trans) In Zhang Zhi’an ed., An Annual Report on Chinese Journalism (2017), pp. 263-287. Beijing, China: People’s Daily Press. 

Grossberg, L. (2016). Modernity and Commensuration. (Meijiadai Bai trans) In Wang Xiaoming ed., Refeng Xueshu (10), pp. 104-141. Shanghai Renmin Press. (Original Work Published in 2010)

4.     Conferences Reports and others: See


Liaoning University:

Undergraduate: History of Chinese and World Journalism, Media Critique, Introduction to Adaptation in Media & Cinema, Introduction to Fan Culture & Economy

Graduate: Academic Writing, Media Translation, Critical Theories in Communication

Sun Yat-sen University:

Undergraduate: Introduction to Media Studies, Introduction to Sociology, Fandom & Popular Culture, Introduction to Classics in Humanities(Guest), New Media Literacy(Guest)

Graduate: Gender & Popular Media, Qualitative Research Method (Guest)

University of Illinois:

            Undergraduate: Media & Cinema Studies 101


Research Grants

2021-2023       Co-Investigator: Digital Intimacy, Young Women, and Social Transformation in Asia (PI: Denise TANG), General Research Fund of Hong Kong: 1,023,737 HKD.

2020-2023       Co-Investigator: Media Ecology for Chinese Suspense Literature in the Age of Media Convergence (Host: LU Ye), Liaoning Provincial Research Fund: 20,000 RMB.

2016-2020      Study of Young Animation Fans’ Prosumption of Media Content. Higher Education Basic Research Funding, SYSU: 75,000 RMB.

2015-2016   Initiation Funding for Junior Scholars in SYSU: 10,000 RMB.


Teaching Grants

2016-2018       Participant, Core All-English Courses Construction Project, SYSU: 500,000 RMB



2019:           Great Graduate Advisor, SYSU

              Great Teaching Award for New Media Literacy Course, SYSU

Excellent Faculty Member in honor of public service contribution, SYSU.

2013:           Clifford Christians Doctoral Advancement Scholarship, UIUC.

              Graduate School Travel Fund, UIUC.

2013, 2012:        Institution of Communications Research Travel Fund, UIUC.

2009-2014:  CSC Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D. overseas. China Scholarship Council.