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LI Yongqing

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

LI Yongqing, a professor at School of physics, Liaoning University, received B.S. degree in Science Base Class of Mathematics and physics in 2000 from Inner Mongolia University, and received in physics in 2003 from Liaoning University. He completed her Ph.D in Theoretical computational chemistry in 2012 at the Coimbra University, Portugal, and completed the postdoctoral research in 2016 in in State Key Laboratory of molecular reaction dynamics in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His primary research area is the molecular potential energy surface and corresponding molecular reaction dynamics.

The research interests include the molecular potential energy surface and corresponding molecular reaction dynamics. The main research achievements are as follows (First or corresponding author, Q2),

1.    Y. F. YangJ. F. Zhao, Y. Q. Li*Scientific Reports, 6,32152,(2016).

2.    Y. J. ZhangM. T. Sun, Y. Q. Li*Scientific Reports, 6,25568,(2016).

3.    Y. J. ZhangJ. F. Zhao, Y. Q. Li*Spectrochimica Acta Part A 153 147 (2016).

4.    Y. Q. Li*, Y. T. Feng, M. T. Sun, Scientific Reports, 5,13970,(2015).

5.    Y. Q. Li, P. Y. Zhang and K. L. Han*, J. Chem. Phys.142, 124302 (2015).

6.    Y. Q. Li*, Q. Li, M.Y. Zhao, Z.L. Zhang, H. Liu, X. Lu and L. Y. R. Fang, Plasmonics. 10, 271 (2015).

7.    Y. T. Feng, L.Y. Meng, J.F. Zhao, Y. Q. Li*, M. T. Sun and J. N. Chen, RSC Advances. 4, 63016(2014).

8.    Y. Q. Li*, S. X. Sheng, Z.L. Zhang, L.W.Liu and M. T. Sun, J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 415,165 (2014).

9.    Y. Q. Li*, F. C. Ma and M. T. Sun, J. Chem. Phys.139, 154305 (2013).

10.             Y. Q. Li*J. C. YuanM. D. Chen, F. C. Ma and M. T. Sun, J. Comput. Chem. 34, 1686(2013).

11.             Y. Q. Li*, Y. Z. Song, P. Song, Y. Z. Li, Y. Ding, M. T. Sun and F. C. MaJ. Chem. Phys. 136, 194705 (2012).

12.             Y. Q. Li, P.J. Wang, Z.L. Zhang, Y. Z. Li, F. C. Ma and M. T. Sun,  RSC Advances,2,12160 (2012).

The main projects are as follows,

1.    The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474141).

2.    The Program for Liaoning Excellent Talents in University, China (Grant No. LJQ2015040).

3.    The Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, China(Grant No. 2014-1685).

4.    The National Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (Grant No. 20121032).

5.    The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2014M550158).


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