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LI Lina

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

LI Lina, an associate professor at School of Physics, Liaoning University, received M.E. degree in mechanical design engineering in 2001, and completed her Ph.D in mechatronic engineering in 2009, both from Northeast University, China. Mainly engaged in the research work of automatic measurement and intelligent control.

The recent interest research direction is wireless sensor network and the related technology and application of internet of things sensing layer. The main research achievements are as follows,

1.        Lina Li, Qingxun Zeng, Xiaoye Gan,Jun Ma.Noising Based on Improved  Matching Pursuit Algorithm. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Natural Computation (2013):507-516.

2.        Li Lina, Zeng Qingxun, Gan Xiaoye, Liang Desu. Under-determined blind source separation based on potential function and compressive sensing, Journal of Computer Applications(2014), Vol.34, No.3: 658-662.

3.        Li Lina, Gan Xiaoye, Xu Panfeng, Ma Jun. Nonlinear system modeling based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy radial basis function neural network optimized by improved particle swarm optimization, Journal of Computer Applications(2014), Vol.34, No.5: 1341-1344

4.        Li Lina, Ma Jun, Long Yue, Xu Panfeng. Double Stage Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on LANDMARC and Compressive Sensing, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology(2016), Vol.38, No.7:1631-1637.

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