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YU Hanjiang

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

YU Hanjiang, an associate professor at School of Physics, Liaoning University, received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physics in 2001 and 2004 respectively, both from Northeast University. He completed his Ph.D. in Materials physics and chemistry in 2008 at Northeast University,  China  .

The research interests include optics and quantum optics. The main research achievements are as follows,

1. Hanjiang Yu, Fengjiu Sun, Jun Zhang. Laser and plasma nitriding of titanium using CW-CO2 laser in the atmosphere. Curr. Appl. Phys. 2009, 9, 227-233.

2. Hanjiang Yu, Fengjiu Sun, Jun Zhang. Monte Carlo simulation of laser and plasma nitriding titanium. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2009, 209, 998-1003.

3. Hanjiang Yu, Fengjiu Sun, Jun Zhang. The charged particles transport behavior of the nitrogen plasma ion source with Monte Carlo simulation. Int. J. Mod Phys B, 2011, 25, 2341–2354.

4. Hanjiang Yu, Fengjiu Sun, Jun Zhang. Laser and plasma nitriding of titanium. Functional Materials, 2007, 38(12), 1987-1989.

5. Hanjiang Yu, Fengjiu Sun, Jun Zhang. Simulating jet of plasma in the atmosphere. J. Northeast University. 2007, 28(12), 129-132.

6. Hanjiang Yu, Wei Wu, Tianya Tan, Chao Tian, Ying An, Fengjiu Sun. Molecular Dynamics Study of Laser and Plasma Nitriding of Titanium. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2013, 135, 034501.

7. Hanjiang Yu, Tianya Tan, Wei Wu, Chao Tian, Ying An, Fengjiu Sun.Thermal stability of titanium nitride coatings prepared by the mixing technology with laser and plasma, Current Applied Physics, 2012, 12, 152-154.

8. Hanjiang Yu, Fengjiu Sun. A modified embedded atom method interatomic potential for the Ti–N system.Physica B, 2009, 404, 1692–1694.


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