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ZHAO Hongliang

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

ZHAO Hongliang, an associate professor at School of Physics, Liaoning University, received B.S. , M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics in 2005, 2007 and 2012 respectively, from Tianjin Univeristy, China.

The research interests include mixed signal integrated circuit design, and cryogenic electronics. The main research achievements are as follows,

1.     Zhao HongliangLiu Xinghui. Modeling of a standard 0.35 um CMOS technology operating from 77 K to 300 K. Cryogenics, 2014. (SCI)

2.     Zhao Hongliang, Zhao Yiqiang, Song Yiwei, Liao Jun, and Geng Junfeng. “A low power cryogenic CMOS ROIC Design for 512x512 IRFPA”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers,2013 (SCI)

3.     Zhao Hongliang*Liu Xinghui. A low-power cryogenic analog to digital converter in standard CMOS technology. Cryogenics, 2013. (SCI)

4.     Zhao HongliangLiu Xinghui. A low power cryogenic 512×512-pixel infrared readout integrated circuit with modified MOS device model. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2013. (SCI)

5.     Zhao Honglian, Zhao Yiqiang*, Li Peng, Jiang Junwei, and Zhang Zhisheng. A LOW-POWER 12-BIT 250 KS/S CYCLIC ADC FOR LONG LINE ARRAY INFRARED SENSORS READOUT CIRCUIT. Journal of circuit system and computers, 20 (1), pp 57~70, 2011. (SCI)

6.     Zhao Hongliang*, Zhao Yiqiang, Geng Junfeng, Li Peng, and Zhang Zhisheng. A low-power 10-bit 250-KSPS cyclic ADC with offset and mismatch correction. Journal of Semiconductors, 32 (2), pp  025008-1~025008-6, 2011. (EI)

7.     Zhao Hongliang*, Zhao Yiqiang, and Zhang Zhisheng. A cryogenic SAR ADC for infrared readout circuits. Journal of Semiconductors, 32 (11), pp 115015-1~115015-5, 2011. (EI)

8.     Zhao Hongliang*, Zhao Yiqiang, Song Yiwei, Liao Jun, and Geng Junfeng. A low power cryogenic CMOS ROIC for 512 x 512 infrared focal plane array. IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, pp 1~2, 2011.(EI)

9.     Zhao Yiqiang*, Yu Haixia, Gao Xingbo, and Zhao Hongliang, Design of key modules in an electromagnetic coupling integrated angle sensor, 32(7), pp 735~739, 2012. (EI)

10. Liu Yan, Zhao Yiqiang*, Zhang Shilin, and Zhao Hongliang, A low power and low distortion rail-to-rail input/output amplifier using constant current technique, Journal of Semiconductors, 32 (4), pp 045003-1~045003-4, 2011 (EI)

11. Geng Junfeng, Zhao Yiqiang*, and Zhao Hongliang, A high-order curvature-corrected CMOS bandgap voltage reference with constant current technique, International journal of circuit theory and applications, 2012.(EI)


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