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Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

GUO Yi ,Head of the Department of  National Economic Management,Professor.

Research Field:Macro-economic Management,Scientific and Technical Innovation,Industrial restructure and Employment,Government functions,Foreign Macroeconomic Management,etc.

Published Works: “Strategics of Sustainable Economy Development”, Higher Education Press(2001); “The Behavior and Effect of Government” (as associate editor), China Planning Press(2001); “Comparative Study on City Competitiveness of Liaoning Province”, Economic Science Press(2002); “Economic Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development”, Economic Science Press(2007); “Strategics of National Economy Development”, Economic Science Press(2013).

Scholastic Honor: “Think Systemically on Creating and Developing Innovative Talents” obtains one Second Class Prize of the First Liaoning Philosophy and Social Sciences Academic Annual Conference(2007); “The Innovation Strategy and Countermeasure Research on Characteristic Industrial Cluster of Shenyang’s District and County” obtains one Second Class Prize of the Shenyang Science and Technology Progress Award(2010); “A Study on Improving the System of Intellectual Property Rights in Shenyang” obtain one Third Class Prize of Shenyang Philosophy and Social Science Project Achievement Award(2011); Obtains the Outstanding Paper Award of the Fifth Summit Forum on Revitalizing Liaoning Old Industrial Base(2016).

Director of China Soft Science Society; Executive Director of China Macro-Economic Management Education Association.
