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Date: 2016-12-13    Source: 

YAN Wei, an associate professor at School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Liaoning University, received B.S. degrees in computational mathematics and application software in 2002 and M.S. degrees in computer software and theory in 2007, both from Liaoning University. He completed his Ph.D. in computer applied technology in 2012 at Northeastern University, China.

The research interests include XML data management and big data management. The main research achievements are as follows,

1. Wei Yan. Parallel queries of cluster-based k nearest neighbor in MapReduce [M], Managing Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments, 2016, 163-182. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.

2. Wei Yan. Probabilistic ranking method of XML fuzzy query results [M], Handbook of Research on Innovative Database Query Processing Techniques, 2015, 199-222. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.

3. Wei YanZongmin Ma. Method of parallel query for massive XML data based on multi-predicate selectivity [J], Journal of Chinese Computer Systems201536(7): 1415-1420.

4. Wei Yan, Fei Suo. Top-k ranking of preference query results for XML based on similarity of contextual states [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(12): 4439-4446.

5. Wei Yan, Yakun Wu. Top-k ranking of XML fuzzy query based on fuzzy vector space model [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(6): 2237-2244.

 6. Wei YanYakun WuXiangfu Meng. A personalized query approach for XML based on contextual preference [J], Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, 2014, 35(9): 1983-1988.

7. Wei YanZongmin Ma. Fuzzy query approach for XML based on algebraic operations[J], Journal of Northeastern University ( Natural Science )2013, 34(1): 30-34.

8. Wei Yan, Li Yan, Z. M. Ma. Relaxing query based on contextual preference in XML [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(11): 1-8.

9. Wei Yan, Li Yan, Zongmin Ma. Automated ranking of XML fuzzy query results [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(6):2567-2574.

10. Wei Yan, Li Yan, Z. M. Ma. Automated ranking of relaxing query results based on XML structure and content preferences [J], International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 2011, 2(1):21-39.

11. Wei Yan, Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Xiangfu Meng. Relaxing queries based on XML structure and content preferences [C], Proceedings of the WISE Workshops, 2011, 44-57.

12. Wei Yan, Zongmin Ma, Li Yan, Xing Wang. Fuzzy query based on XML content and structure[J], Journal of Northeastern University ( Natural Science ), 201132(7): 931-934.


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