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WANG Xiaohong

Date: 2016-12-13    Source: 

Wang Xiaohong, Ph. D of Marxism Philosophy, Associated professor and Vice Dean of Marxism School, Liaoning University. The research interest is Marxism Philosophy and human.

The main research achievements are as follows,


1. Discovery of Real Human—On Marx’s revolution of Human Nature Theory, Beijing Normal University Press, 2011

2. Casebook of Ideological and Political Education Course in Colleges and Universities—Ashes Reborn of Reconstruction, Shenyang Tiexi Industial Area, Higher Education Press, 2014.


1. Review on Erich Fromm’s Personality Theory, Foreign Theorical Trents, 2007(12)

2. Philosophical Foundation of Western Modern Abstract Theory of Human Nature, Social Science Journal, 2010(3)

3. Make Good Use of Chinese Stories and Voices in Ideological and Political Education, Leading Journal of ideological & Political Education, 2014(9)

4. The Theory of Communist Party of    Greece  on the Warlike Nature of Contemporary Imperialism, Journal of Jiangxi  Normal University, 2014(3)

Academic honors:2nd Group of Elite Teacher of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Liaoning Province(2013);Selected by sponered project of National Elite Adolescent Teacher of Ideological and Political Theory Course (2013).
