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SUN Congting

Date: 2021-06-08    Source: 

    Ph.D., professor. she received her PhD degree from the Dalian University of Technology in 2013. Since then, she worked as an associated researcher at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC), CAS. In 2019, she joined school of Environment Sciences, Liaoning University as a full professor. Her research interests include crystallization, environmental functional materials, and speciation of heavy metals.

    She has presided over 8 scientific research projects and participated in 4 national projects. She has published more than 70 academic papers, including 58 SCI papers and 30 EI, in which 4 papers were rated as journal cover papers, and 2 papers were selected as journal hot papers. Moreover, she has participated in the drafting of 1 national standard, 1 Chinese industry standard, 5 group standards, and authorized 2 Chinese invention patents. She is the member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences and has been selected as thousand-level in Liaoning BaiQianWan Talents Program. She serves as the young editorial board member of Chinese Chemical Letters and Journal of Synthetic Crystals.