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WANG Guofu

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

WANG Guofu, a professor at School of Philosophy and Public Administration, Liaoning University, received his MA in Marxist Philosophy in 2000 from Northeast Normal University. He completed his PhD in Marxist Philosophy in 2006 at Jilin University, China.

His research interests include Marxist Philosophy, Ontology, and German classical philosophy. The main research achievements are as follows,

1.        Wang Guofu. Indication to Freedom: Baudrillard’s Conception of Symbolic Exchange. Philosophical Trends, No.3, 2014:45-51.

2.        Wang Guofu. Desiring for Power: Reflection on Luxury Consumption in Contemporary China. Marxism & Reality, No.5, 2014:175-180.

3.        Wang Guofu. On the Transcendental Interpretations of Absolute Determinacy in the Western Traditional Philosophy. Philosophical Researches, No.3, 2011:83-85.

4.        Wang Guofu. On Jean Baudrillard’s Philosophical Free Utopia Longing for Death. Philosophical Trends, No.4, 2011:30-34.


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