Chinese Русский

QU Jiadan

Date: 2021-06-09    Source: 

QU Jiadan (1967-), male, B. A of English from Liaoning Normal University, M. A of linguistics from Fudan University, associate professor at College of Foreign Studies and Head of Department of Translation and Interpreting.

Academic scope: Cognitive linguistics, Pragmatics, Phonology, Translation Theory and Practice

Major academic achievements: English Pronunciation: A Practical Course (textbook, writer), English-Chinese Dictionary of New Words (dictionary, associate editor), SDEPPS (Syllable-Driven English Pronunciation Practicing System) (mobile app, copywrite owner), Research on the Teaching Model of English Pronunciation Based on Cognitive Phoneme and Decomposition Input (Planning Fund Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Sponsored by Ministry of Education), A Relevance-Theoretic Interpretation of English Puns, The Cognitive Analysis of English Syllables, Speech Acts and the Dramatic Irony in Hamlet, and English Expressions of Modality, etc. (papers)
