
The Philosophical Implication of Marx’s Ecological Thinking

Date: 2024-01-09    Source: 

Zhang Huijue, School of Marxism

Abstract: Ecological crisis has been plaguing mankind, the deterioration of ecological environment has continued to live home pressing harder and harder, the emergence of dust storms in the city, the drought led to water scarcity, ecological green area is declining, the area of desertification increasing biological populations are declining and even some species to the brink of extinction, the industrial production of harmful gas emissions continue to increase. These issues placed before mankind in the face of ecological crisis, the world needs to reflect on the consequences of environmental damage caused by the pursuit of material civilization, or economic interests led to the ecological crisis, in short, people want to re-examine with the nature of the relationship at the same time, we must find a way to solve the ecological crisis. Half of in the 20th century ,some Western scholars trying to find a good way to solve the ecological crisis in Marx's writings on the theoretical level. Therefore, this in-depth from a philosophical point of view of Marx's major works of research, to tease out the philosophical basis of Marx's ecological thinking, digging out the guiding significance for the construction of ecological civilization and Western Ecological Marxism. In the course of the study, the first of the unity of history and logic, any theory of the formation of a product is a certain historical, are marked with the stigma of that era, so in the first part, the analysis of the realistic basis of Marxism-ecological thinking and theoretical basis, while in the second part of the comb Marx ecological thinking in the development process found that this is a historical process, but also a logical process.

Secondly, the analysis and synthesis methods, and summarizes the core of Marx's ecological thinking, enhance the intrinsic value of the theoretical research. Finally, a method of combining theory and practice, and pointed out that the contemporary significance of Marx's ecological thinking, the impact on Western Ecological Marxism,the inspiration for the construction of ecological civilization. The current development trend of the research combination of Marx's philosophyand ecological and environmental problems, reflecting the era calls for new theory of Marxism, many of which are content with the modern concept of sustainable development, the construction of ecological civilization in common this article from sort out the discourse on ecological thinking in Marx's original purpose is to use the basic principles of Marx's ecological thinking, ecological and environmental problems investigated, using the construction of ecological civilization of Marx's ecological thought.



Read the article here:                  马克思生态思想的哲学意蕴.pdf