
A Brief Analysis of William Rice's Theory of Controlling Nature

Date: 2024-01-15    Source: 

Wang Yuhan, School of Marxism

Abstract:The ecological environment problem has always been a serious problem that affects the development of human beings. At first, the human attitude to nature was worshiped, and with the development of the civilization, it changed into the attitude controlled by now. While man is basking in his victory over nature, nature is quietly taking revenge on him. At the same time, a variety of environmental problems emerge one after another, such as global warming, ozone hole and water shortage and a series of environmental problems. Its seriousness has threatened the normal production and life of human beings. Therefore, the search for the root cause of the ecological crisis and the treatment method has become the focus of attention in the theoretical circle.

William Rice is one of the representatives of Western Ecological Marxism, his control of nature is from the theoretical and practical point of view to study the causes of ecological crisis and solutions. Therefore, the study of Rhys's theory can help us understand ecological Marxism and guide the construction of ecological civilization in China. His control of Nature (2007 edition) is a representative work of western ecological Marxism, in which the theory of control of nature is worth our deep excavation and study.The whole paper mainly has the following aspects. Among them, the introduction clarifies the background and significance of the topic,the review of the existing literature and the innovation points. The first chapter mainly introduces the historical background and the main theoretical source of Rice's control nature theory. The core content of the thesis is from Chapter Two to chapter three. In the second chapter, Rhys begins by pointing out that the root cause of the ecological crisis is the long standing concept of controlling nature. To prove his conclusion, Rice examines the development of the concept of control nature in different periods and comments on the development of the theory of control nature in each period. Next, he also gives an in-depth explanation of the control of nature and other aspects, through Schaller’s Cybernetics, Edmund Husserl's distinction between two kinds of nature and the social critical theory of Max Horkheimer and his Co-authors, this paper discusses the internal relation between the control of nature and the control of man, and the role of science and technology in IT. Finally, Rhys III concluded that controlling nature is closely related to controlling people and that science and technology have become tools for controlling people. Solving the ecological crisis needs the progress of morality and ethics. The academic extension of the thesis is the third chapter, which is the analysis and enlightenment to Rice's control nature theory. The final conclusion of this paper is a high level summary and summary of the whole paper.

Read the article here:                  浅析威廉·莱斯的控制自然理论.pdf