
Research on Ecological Moral Education of College Students

Date: 2024-01-01    Source: 

Jiang Shuai, School of Marxism

Abstract:With global resource depletion and environmental pollution becoming increasingly prominent, how to solve ecological problems has become the most realistic and urgent challenge of the times. In order to overcome the devastating impact of the ecological crisis on humanity, people have begun to reflect on its root cause. Unreasonable human development is the main cause of the ecological crisis, and the root of the problem lies in humans. To find solutions to the problem from the perspective of humans themselves, and to eliminate ecological and environmental problems, it is necessary to start by cultivating people's ecological awareness and values. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China regards "Beautiful China" as the grand goal of future ecological civilization construction, and therefore ecological moral education has been placed in a prominent position in 21st century education. Ecological moral education is a topic closely related to the times and policies, and is an important component of ideological and political education in universities. Except for the introduction, this article consists of three parts.

The first part of the article: The necessity and urgency of ecological moral education for college students, which includes chapters one to four of the paper. By analyzing the concept, characteristics, and strategic position of ecological moral education for college students, as well as the theory and practice of ecological moral education in China and the West, this paper elaborates on the theoretical basis of the paper. The conclusion drawn from the analysis of ecological crisis is that the essence of ecological crisis is a crisis of human nature. Through the analysis of the current situation of ecological moral education for contemporary Chinese university students, it can be seen that the overall situation of ecological moral education in Chinese universities is not optimistic, with outdated content and single form, and weak practical activities as the main factors. From the perspective of cultivating well-rounded college students and improving the effectiveness of ideological and political education, we should strengthen the importance of ecological and moral education for college students in the entire higher education system, and enhance the strategic position of ecological and moral education for college students.

The second part of the article: The goal selection and content construction of ecological moral education for contemporary college students, which includes Chapter 5 of the paper. This article proposes and analyzes the target selection of ecological moral education for college students, including cultivating ecological moral cognition, ecological moral emotions, ecological moral beliefs, ecological moral will, and ecological moral behavior. In the moral character structure of knowledge, emotion, belief, intention, and behavior, ecological moral cognition is the foundation, ecological moral emotions are the source, ecological moral beliefs are ideals, ecological moral will is guarantee, and ecological moral behavior is fundamental. Elaborated on the content of ecological moral education, striving to achieve the construction of ecological value education, ecological moral concept education, ecological norm education, ecological quality education, and ecological rule of law education, and elaborated on the concepts and specific requirements of each type of ecological moral education content.

The third part of the article: The promotion path of ecological and moral education for contemporary college students, which includes Chapter 6 of the paper. On the basis of in-depth research on the relevant theories of ecological ethics education, this article further explores the specific practical application strategies of ecological ethics education for college students, and proposes specific practical paths, including improving the curriculum system of higher education and the target system of college student training, strengthening practical activities of ecological ethics education, and organizing leadership and institutional guarantee systems. Explored various ways and channels for promoting ecological moral education among college students, including in class, out of class, on campus, and off campus, in order to achieve an effective combination of theory and practical application, and effectively play the role of ecological moral education.

This article believes that the ecological and moral education of college students is a new type of ideological and political education practice, reflecting the characteristics of keeping up with the times in ideological and political education. The establishment of an ecological and moral education system for college students is of great practical significance for the construction of a "two oriented society" and ecological civilization. Therefore, under the guidance of the Marxist ecological moral education ideology in China, we should draw on and absorb the theoretical and practical achievements of ecological moral education in both the East and the West. Starting from the ecological moral values of interdependence and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, we should guide college students to consciously develop ecological moral awareness, ecological moral qualities, and corresponding moral behavior habits.

Read the article here:                   大学生生态道德教育研究_姜帅.pdf