
Study on the Law of the Use Control of Natural Ecological Space

Date: 2024-01-16    Source: 

Cheng Xuan, Law School 

Abstract: The central committee of the communist party of China (CPC) has made systematic arrangements,laws and policies for"accelerating the construction of an ecological civilization system"on the issue of "decisions on major issues concerning comprehensively deepening reform".With the approval of the state council,the measures for the control of the use of natural ecological space shall be issued and implemented,and the objectives of ecological space protection shall be implemented through space layout,embodying an organic combination of legal management ideas from the first to the last phase.However,the design of these legal management systems is very short of principles,and there are still many problems in the construction of legal management systems related to the control of the use of natural ecology and space civilization.In order to achieve the goal of good construction of ecology and civilization, it is necessary to improve the system of system management for the protection of natural ecological civilization,so that the system can be used to protect the ecology. Therefore,it is necessary to establish and perfect the control system for the civilized development of natural ecology and space,delimit the red line for ecology and protection,and improve the legal guarantee system of ecological environment. Therefore,we need to further analyze and study to solve many existing problems of ecological and legal management system in our country,and implement the legal system of civilized development and control of space use,so as to improve the construction speed of ecological and civilized legal system.

On the basis of analyzing the problems existing in the existing legal system of natural ecological use control,this paper also analyzes the deficiencies in the implementation of the legal system of natural ecological use control through relevant cases.Inadequate management of the inventory system for the control of the use of natural ecological space;Defects of the spatial diversion system of natural ecological space use control;The supporting system of natural ecological space use control is not perfect,for example,the law of ecological space use control is expensive to implement, and there is no unified and clear space use control and supervision system.For example, the object of environmental impact assessment system is unitary and unclear,and the cost of law enforcement is high.

For the natural ecological space use of current legal system of land control status and the problems of environmental law and disadvantages,analysis of the domestic existing around the natural ecological environment protection legal system status and the problems of environmental law,puts forward a set of more perfect natural ecological space and animal and plant USES legal system of protection and control of land zoning control,such as draw three land environment control line;A systematic and perfect environmental impact inventory management system for ecology and space use is constructed,such as further clarifying the inventory management content of ecology and space control,and standardizing and improving the implementation of the"three-line one list"management system.For example,constructive Suggestions are put forward on further expanding the scope of objects of ecological space environmental impact assessment and clarifying the objects of environmental impact assessment.So as to achieve sustainable development and the construction of ecological civilization.


Read the article here:                  自然生态空间用途管制法律问题研究_程玄.pdf