Study on the Level of Urbanization in Northeast China

Date: 2024-02-08    Source: 

LIU Mei   Asia-Australia Business College

Abstract: As an inevitable stage in the process of economic development, urbanization has played a key role in the development of a region and even a country. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, the process of urbanization in the Northeastern China has been steadily advancing. It has taken a leading position in the same period across the country and has always been in a dominant position. For example: In 1996, the urbanization rates of Heilongjiang Province and Liaoning Province reached 52% and 45%, respectively, far exceeding the national urbanization rate of 31% at that time. By 2016, the urbanization rates in Heilongjiang and Liaoning were 59% and 67%, respectively, when the national overall level was 57%. Although the urbanization of the Northeastern China has achieved remarkable results, this does not mean that the Northeastern China can sit back and relax. Through the development in recent years, we should note that the problem of urbanization in the Northeastern China has gradually emerged, and And it has become more and more prominent. This has severely constrained the development of regional economic integration in the Northeastern China. Therefore, based on the comprehensive evaluation and analysis system of urbanization level in the Northeastern China, this paper uses principal component analysis to measure the development level of urbanization in the Northeastern China, which can be divided into economic, population, social life, infrastructure, and environmental protection. Urbanization, and use the Xi'er coefficient to measure the differences in the levels of urbanization in the Northeastern China, and analyze the problems in the process of urbanization in the Northeastern China. According to the results of the principal component analysis, the level of urbanization in Liaoning Province is the leading position in three provinces, and Jilin Province is in the second position. The level of urbanization in Heilongjiang Province is the lowest among the three provinces. According to the empirical results of the Searle coefficient, there are obvious regional differences in the urbanization levels of the three provinces, and the urbanization level of each city in each province also has a clear difference between the high and low levels, and the level of urbanization in the province is more different than the provincial level. The province with the highest level of urbanization is the highest in Liaoning province. This result is undoubtedly unfavorable for the coordinated development of urbanization in the Northeastern China. Therefore, according to the empirical analysis results, we should provide viable urbanization policy recommendations for the Northeastern China and each province.


Read the article here:       东北三省城镇化水平实证研究_刘美.pdf