Research on the Effect of Environmental Regulation on the Green Total Factor Productivity Eviednce from Two Control Zones Policy of China

Date: 2024-02-09    Source: 

FAN Hongmin    School of Public Management

Abstract:Increasingly serious environmental pollution has become a non-negligible factor restricting the sustainable development of our economy and affecting the quality of life of residents. As a negative public product, environmental pollution is caused by various reasons such as market failure, information asymmetry, ineffective government regulation and enforcement, and imperfect environmental regulation system in the process of economic development. What is more, serious environmental pollution embodies the blackmodel of economic growth with high input, high energy consumption high pollution, and low efficiency. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our government has begun to rethink and adjust the traditional mode of economic growth, putting the transformation of economic development mode and enhancing the protection of environment on an important agenda. In 2012, the concept of ecological civilization and the overall construction and layout of "the five in one" first set forth in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; In 2015,the government work report first proposed to raise total factor productivity; the green development proposed and explained by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee Concept; In 2017,the conclusion that our economy has begun to turn to a high-quality development stage put forward in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. From the elaboration of ecological civilization in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the conclusion of our country entered the stage of high-quality development in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the thesis always emphasizes the theme of transformation the mode of economic development and achieving a win-win economic growth and green development. There also contains the main line of promoting the quality of economic growth and promoting sustainable and green economic development. The green development model of economic emphasizes the principle of sustainable and environmental conservation in the process of economic development, which means the transformation of traditional mode of economic development with high dependence on energy and factors input to the green mode of economic development with reduction of non-renewable elements and environmental pollution,enhancing the efficiency of traditional elements of labor and capital and improving the efficiency of economic output. This is essentially to raise the green total factor productivity. Against this background, implementing the environmental regulatory policies or measures such as the administrative order-type and economic market-type to promote the promotion of green total factor productivity has become the inevitable route for green economy transition and an urgent issue to be solved in China. In recent years, our country has introduced a series of different types of environmental regulation tools. However, will environmental regulation promote the green total factor productivity and how will environmental regulation promote the green total factor productivity to achieve green economy transition. This thesis focuses on the core research topic of environmental regulation and green total factor productivity and systematically explores whether the implementation of environmental regulation can promote the enhancement of green total factor productivity, the relevant mechanism of environmental regulation affecting total green factor productivity, the spatial effect of environmental regulation on the green factor productivity, the heterogeneity effect of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity. We get the following basic conclusions: Environmental regulation will significantly promote the improvement of green total factor productivity and there is a lag and timeliness of the effect. At this stage, market-driven environmental regulation does not significantly promote the promotion of green total factor productivity. environmental regulation can promote upgrading or clustering of industrial structure,induce technological innovation and promote  upgrading of structural of factors to enhance the green total factor productivity. There is a positive spatial spillover effect and significant heterogeneity effect of environmental regulation on the green factor productivity. The specific research content and structure of this thesis are as follows. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter mainly introduced the research background, research significance, literature review at home and abroad, research methods, research ideas, research innovation and deficiencies. The second chapter is the theoretical analysis of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity. This chapter mainly elaborated the theoretical basis of the effect of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity, compared and defined the traditional total factor productivity with green total factor productivity, and constructs a theoretical model of the direct impact of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity at the same time. analyzed the mechanism of environmental regulation on the impact of green total factor productivity and proposed the space spillover effect and heterogeneity effect hypothesis of environmental regulation on the impact of green total factor productivity. The third chapter is the evolution of the two control zones policy and its effect. This chapter mainly introduced and preliminarily analyzed the relevant background of setting up the policy of "Acid Rain Control Area" and "Sulfur Dioxide Control Area" in 1998 in our country, the promulgation and evolution of the policy in the two control areas and the effect of the two control zones policies. The fourth chapter is the calculation and dynamic change of green total factor productivity. Based on the introduction and comparison of the main measurement methods of green total factor productivity, this chapter finally selects EBM model with the non-parametric hybrid radial and the Malmquist-Luenberger index to calculate the green total factor productivity of China's 268 prefecture-level cities from 1994 to 2015.Based on this basis, this paper made a dynamic comparative analysis of green total factor productivity and its decomposition via the dimensions of temporal and spatial from the national, regional and inter-provincial levels. The fifth chapter is the empirical test of the direct effect of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity. In this chapter, this thesis constructed a quasi-natural experiment based on the establishment of two control zones. Then this thesis explored the direct and dynamic effect of two control zones policy on green total factor productivity using difference in difference model. This thesis also discussed the effect of combination with market incentive environmental regulation such as emission trading. At the same time, this thesis conducted a series of rigorous robustness test. The sixth chapter is the empirical test of the mechanism of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity. In this chapter, this thesis made an empirical test of the mechanism of upgrading and agglomeration of industrial structure,mechanism of foreign direct investment,mechanism of technological innovation,mechanism of upgrading of structure of factors using difference in difference model. The seventh chapter is the spillover effect of green total factor productivity under environmental regulation. The green total factor productivity and environmental policies in two control zones and other cities have spatial correlations in fact. Based on the spatial perspective, this chapter made an empirical test of spillover effect of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity using difference in difference model and spatial econometric model. The eighth chapter is the heterogeneity effect of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity. This chapter made an empirical test of heterogeneity effect of environmental regulation on green total factor productivity using interaction model, including the heterogeneity of nationalization, the heterogeneity of fiscal decentralization, the heterogeneity of marketization, the heterogeneity of financing constraints, he heterogeneity of corruption, the heterogeneity of city size and administrative level. The ninth chapter is the conclusion and policy suggestions. Based on the previous theoretical analysis and empirical test, this chapter summarized the research findings and put forward some policy suggestions, including emphasize the long-term planning and sustainability of environmental policy, environmental policy should match the stage of economic development, strengthen the green and environmental technology spillover effect of FDI, promote the collaborative governance of environmental pollution in urban agglomeration, reform and perfect the supporting system.


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