Air Pollution Characteristics and Regional Transport of PM2.5 for Liaoning Province Using Models-3/CMAQ

Date: 2024-02-12    Source: 

QIN Sida    School of Environment

Abstract:In recent years, Liaoning Province is facing the severe situation of air pollution, regional pollution characteristics is obvious, this study based on the Models-3/CMAQ mode built a set of air quality modeling system, which is suitable for liaoning Province, on this basis, the study onPM2.5transmission rule in Liaoning Province and characteristics of air pollution is launched,aims to provide scientific support for air pollution prevention in Liaoning Province. The study includes the establishment of a high resolution grid pollution sources list of Liaoning Province, and simulated the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollutants in January, April, July and October 2016.Quantitatively analyzed the main sources of SO2, NO2 and PM2.5 in 14 cities in LiaoningProvince. Analyzed The main chemical components of PM2.5. Investigated the transmission rule of PM2.5 among 14 cities in Liaoning Province. The results of the study show that: (1) Spatial and temporal distribution of SO2, NO2, and PM2.5 in liaoning Province generally presents "central region is higher than the eastern and western regions",opposite "h" type distribution, and form a relative severe contaminated zone in the middle , extending to Bohai Gulf. The pollutant concentration of Liaoning Province in winter is obviously higher than that in other months, relative light air pollution in spring and summer.(2)Heating source of liaoning province in January contributed 20% to PM2.5 concentration, steel source contributed 10% to 19% for the whole year. Residents' contribution ratein January was the highest (27%), and the lowest (15%) in July. Mobile sources contributed between 7% and 13% for the whole year. (3) In 2016, the proportion of carbon components in the chemical composition of PM2.5 in Liaoning Province is 40%, among which, the proportion of OC and EC is 27% and 13% respectively, while the proportion of SO42-, NO3- and NH4+ in secondary particles is 15%, 13% and 9% respectively. (4) Steel industry in Liaoning Province contributed 48% and 44% to Benxi's SO2 and PM2.5respectively, petrochemical industry contributed 8% to Dalian's NO2, and 12% to SO2 in Panjin. Mobile source contributed More than 30% to NO2 in 14 cities of the Province, among which, the contribution rate is 55% in Shenyang and 41% in Dalian. Residents contributed between 9% and 26% to SO2of the 14 cities. (3)PM2.5 transmission among Liaoning Province central urban agglomeration, consisted of Shenyang, Anshan, Fushun, Tieling, Liaoyang and Benxi, is obvious and complicated.Transmission rule is obviously different between each other in various seasons.PM2.5transmission between Panjin and Yingkou, however,Yingkou is strongly influenced by central urban agglomeration, Anshan transfer PM2.5 to Yingkou accounted for 6.8%, Panjin was affected by Jinzhou and Fuxin. Chaoyang's transfer PM2.5 toJinzhou and Huludao accounted for 3.9% and 6.3% for the whole year. Huludao's contribution to Jinzhou (10.2%) is greater than the Jinzhou's impact on itself (4.0%). PM2.5 transmission to Dalian and Dandong was not obvious from other cities in Liaoning Province.


Read the article here:        基于Models-3_CM...M_(2.5)区域传输研究_秦思达.pdf