Time Series Analysis of Ecological Civilization Construction in Shenfu New City and Its Restoration Plan for Shenfu Section of Hunhe River

Date: 2024-02-15    Source: 

QI Yue    School of Environment

Abstract:While prompting industrial development, eco-civilization is a new stage of human civilization that distinguishes itself form industrial development by coordinating the harmonious development{s} of people and people, people and nature, and people and society, and by developing itself simultaneously with material civilization. The evaluation index system for the development of ecological civilization is a evaluation method based on the connotation and requirements of ecological civilization, and carries out a quantitative evaluation of the region in all directions and clarify its construction level. The establishment of a set of scientific and rational index systems in line with local characteristics is conducive to promoting the development of ecological civilization construction in all regions to a higher level. Through the study of the ecological construction of Shenfu new city in time series analysis, and evaluate its level of ecological construction in 2006 ~ 2015, and comparing with Shenyang, Fushun, analysis of city in the process of the two cities affect Shenfu new city; Based on the analysis of water quality and ecology of the hunhe section of Shenfu new city, the river function was determined, and the restoration scheme was proposed to solve the existing problems. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) From 2006 to 2015, the ecological civilization development trend of Shenfu new city presented an upward trend, from 2006 to 2010, and from 2011 to 2015, it was in a high level of fluctuation. (2) Shenfu new city built early life level is low, the Shenyang and Fushun for its pull, under the action of the two cities have improved, Shen-Fu city, strengthen the collaboration between the city and influence, the ecological culture construction has a certain role in promoting. (3) Ten rivers and one channel in the Shen-Fu section of the city's inner river can be divided into protected rivers according to their own conditions: Puhe river, upper reaches of yangguanhe river, high canyon-Xinlibao section of the main stream; Restored rivers: Youaihe river, Lishi river, Baishahe river, lower reaches of Yangguanhe river, Tayuhe river, Zhongma river, Sishui river, Funhe north irrigation canal; Reconstructed rivers: tributaries of the old station river and Mantanghe river, Baisha river, Lishi river and Sishui river. (4) The management measures for protected rivers are as follows: establishing a sound regulatory mechanism; Regular inspection of river management; Dynamic monitoring of the flora and fauna of the region. (5) The measures taken to control the restored river are as follows: use the upstream dahuofang reservoir to adjust the ecological flow; Reducing human interference; Restoration of coastal vegetation; We will promote water conservation across the river basin and curb ecological water shortage. (6) The measures taken to control the reconstructed rivers are: restoring the natural meandering nature of the river; Establishing ecological bank protection; Recovery water volume; Improve water quality.  


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