Studies on Stewart Udall's environmental protectionthought and practice(1961-1968)

Date: 2024-02-16    Source: 

SUN Yangxue    School of Economics

Abstract:Since the 1960s,the United States has witnessed rapid economic growth andremarkable industrial achievements.However,the rapid development of the Americanindustrial sector after the war has made the environmental pollution problem more andmore serious,which has directly affected the daily life of the American public.In thisway,more and more Americans began to realize the urgency and seriousness ofenvironmental problems,thus increasing the number of supporters of the environmentalmovement,and the U.S.government began to pay more and more attention toenvironmental problems.As an environmentalist,Stewart Udall thought aboutenvironmental issues from the perspective of a government official and activelypromoted environmental protection.His environmental protection thoughts wererepresentative at that time.This paper attempts to study Stewart Udall's environmentalprotection thoughts and environmental protection measures as a perspective to examinethe post-war environmental protection policies of the United States.This paper consists of three parts:introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction part explains the reason why Stewart Udall's conservation thoughtis selected as the research object,the academic history review of Stewart Udall'sconservation thought,and the academic value of this paper.The first part of the text examines the growing experience of Stewart Udall and theinfluence of the ideas of early environmentalists on Udall.The second part examines the representative contents of Udall's protection thought,including controlling the over-rapid growth of population,criticizing the thought of"science is supreme",the thought of overall planning of urban environment and thethought of protecting and developing public land.The third part discusses Udall's specific practices in promoting the implementationof the natural resources protection act,protecting wilderness areas,establishing nationalparks,and carrying out water resources development and management.Mainly includingUdall's support and protection under the endangered species act the wilderness act and bythe wild and scenic rivers act,Udall to the development of the concept of the wilderness,puts forward the construction of national park"ten-year plan",promote the land andwater to keep funds act,Udall part of federal desalination project,establish nationalstandards for water quality,etc.The fourth part of Stewart Udall ideas of environmental protection andenvironmental protection practice is analyzed,the influence of not only expand theconnotation of environmental protection,to help people establish environmental ethics,and accelerate the process of the United States environmental protection legislation,improve the federal government's environmental management consciousness,tend to bemore institutionalized makes American environmental protection movement.The conclusion part summarizes and improves this thesis.


Read the article here:       斯图尔特·尤德尔的环保思想...研究(1961-1968)_孙阳雪.pdf