Study on the relationship between Water Environment quality and socio-economic Development in the Taizi River Basin

Date: 2024-02-16    Source: 

GUO Hong    School of Environment

Abstract: Taizi river basin is an important industrial and agricultural production base in China.In recent years, the economic growth in the basin, the watershed environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent.In this article, during may to september in 2018 of taizi river upstream section to detect the water quality and vegetation investigation, combined with the taizi river basin in the main urban wastewater data (2005-2016) and economic development situation, analyzes the basin wastewater emissions and economic development trends, and the basin social and economic development and the relationship between water environment change and correlation analysis, and to verify the model of the environmental kuznets curve.Finally, based on the results of empirical analysis, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the coordinated development of watershed environment and regional social economy. The main study conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1)Through water sampling and vegetation survey in the mountain section of the upper taizi river, it can be seen from the water quality measurement results that the investigation of 17 sites, there are three sites larger human disturbance, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus in water and other indicators have reached the surface water class standard;According to the results of vegetation survey, among the 17 sites investigated, the biodiversity of tree layer was lower, that of shrub layer was slightly better than that of tree layer, and that of herbaceous layer was higher, and there was a phenomenon of human disturbance at some sites.On the whole, the water quality and ecological conditions in the mountain section of the upper taizi river are good. (2)According to the correlation analysis of GDP, population and waste water discharge, the population of benxi has been decreasing year by year, and has always been "decoupled" from the GDP.The population of anshan and liaoyang began to decline after 2010, and then began to "decouple" from the GDP.At present, the industrial wastewater of benxi, anshan and liaoyang has been well controlled, which is related to the economic decline of the secondary industry, and also related to the cities to strengthen the treatment of industrial wastewater.The discharge of domestic sewage in the three cities has not been controlled, especially in anshan, the discharge of domestic sewage increased dramatically. The three cities should also strengthen the treatment of domestic sewage. (3)Through the environmental kuznetz curve, the fitting conditions of per capita GDP, industrial wastewater discharge and domestic sewage discharge in three cities in the taizi river basin were studied.The fitting effect between the discharge of industrial wastewater and per capita GDP of benxi and liaoyang is good, with R2 greater than 0.07 and significance Sig less than 0.05.This indicates that the model has a good degree of fitting and has sufficient statistical significance for the environmental kuznets curve, which can better explain the relationship between water environmental pollution and per capita GDP.The fitting effect of other indicators is not good.In particular, the fitting effect between the GDP per capita of anshan city and the discharge amount of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage is not ideal, and the discharge amount of pollutants does not have obvious change rule with economic development. Finally, based on the study results, this paper puts forward some positive environmental and economic development policy suggestions, such as optimizing the industrial spatial layout, strengthening the pollution control of key enterprises, improving the level of water pollution prevention and control, building ecological environment protection measures, and vigorously developing the basin circular economy.


Read the article here:       太子河流域水环境质量与社会经济发展关系研究_郭宏.pdf