The Research of Chinese Environmental Regulation Reformation

Date: 2024-02-16    Source: 

LIU Yanhua    School of Economics



Because of the strong exterior effect of environment, it can not be resolved by means of market mechanism. So, it is necessary to invite the government to interfere with it. And, this issue has been meanly researched both on theory and on practice. So far, two methods have been put forward. One is the environment tax which is based on the theory of welfare economics, and the other one is Coase’s property right based on the theory of institution economics, which is used as the exchangeable license of pollution in practice. Our Chinese government has made progress in resolving the environmental problems through the two methods, but there still has a long run to the ideal. So, a new thinking which based mainly on the principal-agent theory as well as from the angle of incentive mechanism is brought up in this article.

Begin with the analysis of the two principal-agent relationships in the environmental regulation, the reasons why the two agents including environmental regulators and pollution enterprises and the public principals have no enthusiast in reducing pollution, and further the efficiency is low are studied from the angle of incentive mechanism. And then, on the basis of experiences of the main developed countries, the valid incentive mechanisms are designed in this dissertation. The way to improve the activist of each principal part and the efficiency of environmental regulation is hoped to be found. All above are discussed through six chapters.

The systematic review on the theories about environmental regulation both domestic and abroad is made in the first part. Firstly, the external study on the environmental regulation is reviewed, in which including the environmental exterior influences, the tax and property methods to solve it both in theory and in practice, and argues about the two methods. Secondly, the internal further studies are introduced.

In the second part, followed the show of the specialty of environment, the necessity and the full requirements of environment regulation are put forward. Then, the relations between the public and regulators as well as between regulators and pollution enterprises are discussed by means of the Game Theory, followed which some preliminary plans to deal with the moral risks are brought up. Also, the environment regulation systems are introduced here.

The history and present situations are displayed in the third part. And also, the

efficiencies of environmental regulation are presented. In this part, the concept of elasticity is adopted. As a result, although the environment regulation gains some achievements, the efficiency is not high enough.

The fourth part enters the discussion about the factors influencing the efficiency of environmental regulation. Under the regulation institution of overall leadership with separately government, the coordination of the main administration is restricted. As well as the unsuitable interference of the local government and the imperfect system, the result of environment regulation is impacted as all the related pursue their own maximum benefits.

The experiences of three main developed countries which are Germany, Japan whose regulation result is distinct and America in which the public’s rights and interests are perfectly protected are summarized in the fifth part. In the foundation of two directions’ analysis of both the system and the institution of regulation, the conclusion that the experiences are unified institution, perfect system and protection to public’s rights and interests.

As a use of the conclusions of all above, the far-research and creation of the regulation reformation are carried on in the sixth part, mainly from three aspects, one is to create a union and coordinate environment regulation institution, the other two are to better the current system and to formulate some polices to encourage and restrict the related.

All in all, there are several theories such as the environment regulation theory and the negative exterior influence theory, as well as some methods such as the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the combination of normative and positive analysis, the elasticity analysis and partly game analysis are applied in this essay. In addition, a lot of data also play an important role.

Read the article here:    中国环境规制改革研究_刘研华.pdf