Analysis and Countermeasures for Clean Production Potential of Customized Special Purpose Vehicle Manufacturing Industry in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-02-01    Source: 

ZHAO Xueyang    School of Environment


Abstract:Cleaner production is a new development strategy that requires comprehensive prevention and control from the source of pollutants. Through the implementation of cleaner production audit, the purpose of energy saving, consumption reduction, pollution reduction and efficiency increase can be achieved, and the comprehensive benefits of enterprises can be improved, which is of great significance for promoting the realization of sustainable development strategy. Liaoning Province is an old industrial base, with a number of customized special automobile production enterprises, different from ordinary automobile manufacturing, customized special automobile manufacturing has a variety of product specifications, small production batch, customer customization, production process of variable production characteristics, enterprise production procedures are more numerous, enterprise management difficulty is higher, enterprises often exist energy consumption, material consumption, equipment, technology, pipe At the same time, with the public's concern for environmental quality issues, the pressure of environmental protection of enterprises is becoming increasingly prominent, restricting the development of enterprises, so it is of great significance to promote cleaner production in the industry to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises. Taking the cleaner production audit of Liaoning Luping Machinery Co., Ltd. as a case, this paper deeply studies the cleaner production potential of customized special vehicle manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province. In the audit process, a total of 26 cleaner production programs were produced, and by the end of the audit, a total of 20 programs were implemented, including 19 no/low cost programs, 1 medium/high cost program, 3 are being implemented medium/high cost programs, and 3 are to be implemented medium/high cost programs. Through the implementation of the cleaner production program, the production and energy consumption of the enterprise basically achieved the near-term goals of cleaner production, and achieved 1,761,600 yuan/year of economic benefits and significant environmental benefits, the electroplating workshop reached the national electroplating industry cleaner production secondary standards, in line with the requirements of Liaoning Province "on the Province's electroplating industry pollution for special remediation Notice" The line has comprehensively exceeded the level of clean production, eliminated the phenomenon of environmental violations, eliminated the backward equipment with high energy consumption in the machine workshop, further reduced energy consumption, improved the resource utilization rate of the enterprise, improved the level of clean production of the enterprise, and improved the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise. On the basis of the analysis of the cleaner production audit of the case enterprises, the paper further analyzes the various obstacles that may exist in the implementation of cleaner production in the industry, and puts forward feasible solutions accordingly. Combined with the characteristics of customized special vehicle manufacturing industry, the common problems of cleaner production audit in Liaoning Province were preliminarily analyzed from eight aspects: raw and auxiliary materials and energy, technology, equipment, process control, products, waste, management and employees, and the potential of cleaner production was discussed, and the corresponding cleaner production countermeasures were put forward.

Read the article here:    辽宁省定制型专用汽车制造业清洁生产潜力分析与对策_赵学洋.pdf