Study on Water Pollution Control of Taizi River in B City

Date: 2024-02-20    Source: 

YOU Yiting    School of Public Management

ABSTRACT:City B is a comprehensive industrial city, mainly steel, chemical and ore industries, with an obvious trend of heavy industrialization and intensive energy-consuming industries. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the rivers that City B depends on are increasingly suffering from serious pollution, which affects the natural ecology and endangers public health. The section of Prince River B is located in the upper reaches, and the river flows through the township agricultural area, urban and rural living areas and industrial production parks, accepting a large amount of production and living sewage and wastewater on the way, and the water quality gradually deteriorates from top to bottom, affecting the process of ecological civilization construction and high-quality development in city B. Taking the Prince Edward River in City B as an example, this paper analyzes the current situation, problems and causes of water pollution management in Prince Edward River in City B and proposes relevant countermeasures based on the theory of networked governance and the comprehensive use of literature research method, questionnaire research method and interview method. According to the actual investigation and research, the water quality of the Prince Edward River basin in City B has been significantly improved in recent years, and most of the national and provincial cross-sections have reached Class I to II. However, from the perspective of networked governance, this area still faces some challenges, such as: frequent illegal discharges, difficulties in inter-regional pollution control, lagging rural domestic sewage treatment, and low satisfaction of residents with the effectiveness of pollution control. Using the theory of networked governance, we analyze the causes of the problems and attribute them to the immaturity of networked governance partnerships, weak information linkage of governance subjects, imperfect responsibility allocation and reward and punishment mechanisms, and insufficient capacity of governance subjects. Based on the above reasons, the following four countermeasures are proposed: building a scientific water pollution cooperative governance network, strengthening the information linkage of governance subjects, improving the responsibility supervision and incentive mechanism, and improving the governance capacity of network subjects. By combining the theoretical connotation and governance structure of networked governance theory with the unique political, economic and socio-cultural environment of the Prince Edward River basin in B, we explore the localized path of networked governance of water pollution in the Prince Edward River in B. At the same time, we enrich the research perspective of water pollution governance of local governments and highlight the unique roles of social organizations, NGOs, the public and other social subjects in the governance of water pollution in the Prince Edward River, so as to effectively improve the The study also highlights the unique role of social organizations, NGOs, and the public in the management of water pollution in the Prince Edward River, thereby effectively improving the water environment in City B.


Read the article here:       B市太子河水污染治理问题研究.pdf