Research on the Multi-centre Governance ofIndustryPollution in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-02-19    Source: 

SHI Rui    School of Economics

Abstract: Liaoning province government regards environment protection as the northeastold industrial base overall urgent task, Pollution reduction as the important means ofeconomic and social development,environmental qualityimprovement as thebreakthrough to the improvement of people's life.This paper analysis Liaoning provinceindustrial pollution through "multi-centre" theory, Combined with “governmentmarket-the third section” 3d analysis framework to effective prevention, regulation andcontrol of industrial pollution. This theory for analysis of Liaoning province industriapollution control supply provides a new concept. This paper analyzes the problems ofindustrial pollution, and then it has reason to be the law of industrial pollution preventionand control of environmental problem solving,perfect the legal protection andenvironmental rights do some useful countermeasures are discussed. This paper from the reality of industrial pollution is deeply studied, the article isdivided into the following four parts The first part for the introduction, research topicorigin and basis, purpose and significance, the related literature at home and abroad weresummarized and innovation points were reviewed. The second part describes the basiccontent of governance theory "more center", laid a theoretical basis for the researchdevelopment.The third part analyzes the industrial pollution problems and causes ofLiaoning province, and analyzes the root of industrial pollution in detail.The fourth part of the thesis is aimed at the second part of the problem, in "center" governance theory.discusses the preliminary perfecting industrial pollution control some useful SuggestionsPut in made government change of government on the environmental pollution, thestrategy and policy; Improve environmental legal system and legal construction andinfrastructure;, to strengthen the publicity and education of environmental protection. Theenterprise put in the market: advocating circular economic development mode, payattention to pollution treatment technology innovation advocate recycling economicdevelopment mode, note pollution treatment technology route innovation; Strengthenindustrial own pollution;Vigorously popularization and environmental protectiontechnology reduce industrial pollution;Put forward in public; improving the environmental protection consciousness citizens; Establish the citizen participation ofindustrial pollution to input mechanism; Introduce the environment information means.This study aims to explore the development of Liaoning province industry toconsciously to protect the environment and the path of sustainable development targetmode and the countermeasures, This paper argues that, to really make Liaoning industrialconsciously to protect the environment and sustainable development path from thegovernment, market, public and other three aspects government effective management,and to construct for assurance, industrial enterprise sustainable development as the core.the guide of market demand, industrial environment protection as the goal, the socialpublic effective supervision for added industrial environment protection system andmechanism, In order to make this goal system mechanism as soon as possible, we mustrenew developing ideas and development ideas, speed up adjustment market construction,system construction and the legislative process. This paper tries to solve the problem is touse "centre" theory analysis, Liaoning province industrial pollution according to differentcorresponding solutions for the future of the environment development, plays a certainrole in Liaoning province, the theory of industrial pollution problem for provideseffective policy advice.


Read the article here:       辽宁省工业污染的多中心治理研究_史锐.pdf