Decorating Porous Aromatic Framework Cavities with Long-Chain Alkyl Grippers for Rapid and Selective Iron(III) Detection

Date: 2024-03-02    Source: 

Zhuojun Yan, Jialin Xie, Tongfei Geng, Bin Feng, Bo Cui, Na Li, Lixin Xia, College of Chemistry

Pinjie Su, Naishun Bu, School of Environment

Ye Yuan, Northeast Normal University


Abstract: Due to the key role of Fe(III) species in living organisms, realtime detection of Fe3+ ions is an important topic for the accurate diagnosis of many diseases, such as Alzheimers, Huntingtons, and Parkinsons diseases. Here, soft long-chain alkyl groups serving as the grippers are introduced into the rigid porous skeleton through a one-step Suzuki-coupling reaction. Through the ion-induced dipole interaction of longchain alkyl groups with Fe3+ ions, the resulting PAF solid exhibits excellent enrichment effect for metal elements. Accordingly, an absorption competition quenching (ACQ) phenomenon is observed leading to the selectivity and sensitivity for monitoring Fe3+ ions in the presence of various interfering ions. The sensing performance with the detection limit of 5.34 × 10 -6 M far exceeds that of other porous solids including MOFs, ZIFs, COPs, and PNTs, etc. This work pioneers an efficient strategy that introducing long-chain alkanes as the grippers for the design of advanced sensors for practical application.


Read the article here:   154-Decorating Porous Aromatic Framework Cavities with Long-Chain Alkyl Grippers for Rapid and Selective Iron(III) Detection.pdf