
Security governance in the Arctic: Implications, dilemmas and solutions

Date: 2024-01-09    Source: 

                                                                                                      Gao Lanjun         

                                                                                                      Law School      


Abstract: From the perspective of the development of the theory of national security, the Arctic issue is ultimately a matter of national security, and Arctic governance is essentially the governance of Arctic security. There are different conflicts of interest among Arctic states, non-Arctic states and Arctic States. Existing international treaties cannot effectively deal with the problems caused by the melting of Arctic ice, and Arctic security governance is faced with practical and legal difficulties. As a stakeholder, China's participation in Arctic security governance has a sound legal basis and is also necessary to safeguard international security and the security of all mankind. In Arctic security governance, China should, on the basis of recognizing the rights of Arctic states under existing treaties, advocate the demilitarization of the Arctic, pay attention to the interests of indigenous peoples and future generations, and ultimately try to change the current "soft law" trend in Arctic governance at the international level.


Read the full article here:        【气候变化】北极地区的安全治理问题_内涵、困境与应对-高岚君.pdf