
Research Progress on Embodied Carbon in International Trade

Date: 2024-01-09    Source: 

                                                                                                    Xing Yuan-yuan

                                                                     China Business Development Institute, Liaoning University (Beijing)

                                                                                           Wang Yating, Wang Xueyuan   

                                                                           School of Finance and Trade, Liaoning University 


Abstract: As a key issue of greenhouse gas emission reduction, embodied carbon in international trade is of great significance for optimizing global climate governance. The concept of embodied carbon in international trade is related to carbon leakage and carbon loophole. Carbon leakage leads to embodied carbon in international trade. Carbon loop-holes are caused by ignoring the embodied carbon in trade under the current emission accounting system. Methods like multi-regional input-output models and product life cycle methods are used to calculate the scale of emissions embodied in trade and carbon footprint. Structural Decomposition Analysis and Index Decomposition Analysis are used to anchor the influencing factors of emissions embodied in trade. Empirical research on emissions embodied in trade for developed and developing countries is flourishing. How to share responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions between consumers and producers has always been a highly sensitive issue in international climate policy negotiations. Some re-searchers question the effectiveness and practicalities of carbon tax under the Border Carbon Adjustment scheme to reduce carbon leakage. Some researchers are proposing novel approach and scheme to solve problems of emissions embodied in trade for bilateral trade relationships using multi-regional input-output data empirical analysis.


Read the full article here:       【气候变化】国际贸易隐含碳研究进展.pdf