
Hot spots and trends of polar security research based on bibliometric and visual analysis

Date: 2024-01-11    Source: 

                                                                     Chen Weilin, Fu Baorong,  He Zhe, Guo Jingmei, Li Ming, Ma Chen 

                                                                                                                 Ma Fang         

                                                                                  School of Environment,Liaoning University    


Abstract: In the context of global climate change, polar security has attracted increasing attention from all countries. Through bibliometric analysis, the development process, research hotspot and research trend of polar security research from 1985 to 2022 are understood. By using VOS viewer software, the literature on polar safety in WoS database and CNKI database from 1985 to 2022 was analyzed and visualized. The core research strength, research hotspot and research trend are analyzed and summarized. The results show that the United States and China are the most important countries studied. The main research institutions abroad include Russian Academy of Sciences, McGill University, University of Alaska Fairbanks, etc. The main research institutions in China include Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian Maritime University, Ocean University of China, etc. Ford JD, Dudarev AA, Yang Zhenjiao and Li Zhenfu were the principal investigators. Arctic and Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Science Edition) are the most published foreign and Chinese periodicals respectively. Research hotspots mainly include polar ecological security, food security of polar residents, Arctic shipping lanes, Antarctic sea ice, the Arctic and China's national security. The polar ecological security, the Arctic shipping routes, and the economic, political and energy security of all countries in the polar regions, including China, will continue to be paid attention by scholars.


Read the full article here:     【气候变化】基于文献计量和可视化分析的极地安全研究热点与趋势.pdf