
Learn from international experience to improve China's climate investment and financing policy system

Date: 2024-01-12    Source: 

                                                                                                          Li Chengxin       

                                                                                          Asia-Australia Business College     


Abstract: According to the World Health Organization, climate change is the most important threat facing humanity. Addressing climate change risks is inseparable from the guidance of the climate investment and financing policy system to all aspects of social capital investment. Internationally, the development of climate investment and financing is promoted from three aspects: definition and standard system, funding sources and channels, and related policies and financial instruments. At present, China's climate investment and financing faces challenges such as imperfect policy system, unclear fund management mechanism, and insufficient carbon financial market and financial products. Under the "double carbon" goal, it is necessary to improve the basic system and policy system of climate investment and financing at the policy level. At the financial level, continue to play the role of national financial support, and accelerate the improvement of carbon financial market; Establish climate-friendly concepts at the level of financial institutions and strengthen climate risk management.


Read the full article here:     借鉴国际经验 完善我国气候投融资政策体系.pdf