
The global freshwater crisis is getting worse

Date: 2024-01-18    Source: 

                                                                                                            Chen erlie

                                                                                                    School of Economics

Abstract: In October 2021, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released the State of Climate Services 2021: Water report, which pointed out that climate change, especially the increase in the frequency of extreme hot weather, will lead to a global water crisis. In response to the crisis, governments and relevant international organizations still lack effective measures. As of 2018, 3.6 billion people around the world were severely underusing water for at least one month each year, and this number is expected to exceed 5 billion people by 2050. At present, the global warming is becoming more and more intense, and frequent high temperature, drought and various extreme weather events have led to the water resources crisis. Therefore, the only way to deal with the global water resources crisis is to clarify the current water resources crisis and the various challenges it brings, and strengthen the coordinated response capacity of international organizations and national governments.


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