
The Analysis of Sino-US Cooperations on the Climate Change since Obama Came into Power

Date: 2024-01-15    Source: 

                                                                                                           Pan Shuangji

                                                                     School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract: According to the World Meteorological Organization, the last 10 years is the hottest 10 years in recorded history. Climate change has not only an impact on the future of humanity living space, but also has become an important factor which affects the future of the international system and reshapes the pattern of global political development. With global environmental trends institutionalized furtherly, establishing a fair and effective international climate governance mechanism has become one of the main agenda of today’s world politics. Climate change, as a major global problem, has a strategic significance. Strengthening Sino-US cooperation on the development of Sino-US relations and the international community to address climate change has important practical significance. There are many common interests and certain foundation for Sino-US cooperation on climate change, but there are many differences and obstacles. There are also many difficulties to strengthen energy and climate change policies and measures reached by both sides. This article emphatically discusses the climate cooperation from the following three parts: the first part is to tell that the background of Sino-US climate cooperation since Obama came into power which is historical trends, both opportunities and challenge; the second part is that from restricting Sino-US climate cooperation’s dilemma since Obama came into power to discuss the lack of Sino-US strategic mutual trust, the differences of basic cooperation principle and the differences of specific areas; the third part from China's point of view to state that the efforts which China promote Sino-US climate cooperation: establishing policy to cope with climate change and promoting the concrete measures of climate cooperation. Climate problems making some of the western countries led by the United States still have the "cold war" thinking. They consider China as a heterogeneous and are afraid that China's powerful will strike the existing international political and economic order created by them. These new problems will become their new covers and excuses to curb China. At the same time, we also see that the current economic globalization develops in depth. The countries rely on each other is enhanced. As a big country, the international community hope that China can play a positive role in some of the major issues that affect the overall. To this, we will take a more active stance to deal with, and this is also a good opportunity to raise China's international influence and status. Therefore, China and the United States, as the top two world's carbon dioxide emissions, should gradually abandon differences, seek common ground while putting aside differences and reach consensus through the bilateral climate diplomacy. As an opportunity to enhance the political and economic cooperations between China and the United States, the two countries should make more tacit understanding in international negotiations and more realization of the interests of the states.


Read the full article here:       奥巴马执政以来中美应对气候变化合作分析.pdf