
An analysis of political party factors influencing U.S. global climate change policy

Date: 2024-01-17    Source: 

                                                                                                              Zhang Di

                                                                  School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract: Global warming has become a scientific consensus. However, as the international community works together to combat climate change, the policy stance of the United States often changes. From the democratic President Bill Clinton to join the United Nations framework convention on climate change signed the Kyoto protocol, the republican President George w. bush to withdraw from the Kyoto protocol, and then from a democratic President barack Obama signed the Paris agreement, up to now the republican President trump exit the Paris agreement that global warming is a hoax. Through these actions, we can see that the us government is divided on whether the global climate is warming, whether the climate warming is caused by human beings and other issues, and the climate policy presents a capricious state. It is worth considering that every change in climate policy has been accompanied by a rotation of political parties in the us presidential election. Judging by the environmental ratings of U.S. lawmakers, the introduction and consideration of climate bills in congress, and the public's perception of global warming, the gap between political elites and supporters on the issue is stark. Why are the two parties so far apart when the us, the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and the strongest economy, should be doing more to tackle climate change? This is mainly because behind the climate problem involving the conservatism and liberalism ideological confrontation, with the continuous development of the American political polarization trend, more and more problems have been regarded as a party label, but also the climate problem, differences of crack are more and more big, in the presidential election, the parties to the realities of competition further solidified the bipartisan stance on climate issues. The carbon tax co-resolution h.c. on.Res.119, introduced in the 115th U.S. house of representatives, is a realistic manifestation of the deep reasons for the global climate policy differences between the two parties. At a time when the threat to humanity from rising sea levels and more extreme weather events caused by global warming is becoming more apparent, global climate governance is one of the core issues of the international community, and the United States has an indispensable role to play in this issue. The differences between the two parties in the United States directly lead to the lack of its own sustainable climate policy. The trump administration's climate policy rollback is a clear example, and the future trend of climate policy is full of uncertainty. In addition, for the international community, the absence and non-cooperation of the United States will affect the process of global climate cooperation and the realization of cooperation results, both from the perspective of financing and science and technology.


Read the full article here:       【气候变化】影响美国全球气候变化政策的政党因素分析.pdf