
The Approach and Influence of the Institutionalization in Low Carbon Cooperation Among China, Japan and Korea

Date: 2024-01-24    Source: 

                                                                                                            Liu Yu

                                                                          School of International Economics and International Relations

AbstractSince 20th century, with the development of science, advance in technology and boost in social productivity, the human race has made great progress in economy at the cost of ruining the environment and a series of environmental problems have arisen, among which climate problem is most striking because of globalized and borderless characteristics, at the same time there is no previous rules to go by regarding of this problem. In addition, the climate problem has become one of the most controversial topics in several climate change conventions and a prelude for countries to changing the competition in conventional safety and senior politics areas into the competition in unconventional safety and junior politics areas. After the 2009 Copenhagen world climate change summit, low carbon has been taken very seriously and widely practiced in many countries’ economic development. However, the low carbon policies and objectives varies from countries to countries, which makes the cooperation still involve much difficulty. How to gain a balance between current economic development and future environmental interest has become a tough and urgent problem needed to be solved. Moreover, the cooperation depends on the outcomes of the game among relevant countries, therefore for the regionalization of low carbon cooperation; there is still a long way to go. In terms of countries in the region of northeast Asia, most emphasis is still placed on cooperation in the areas of economy and trade, yet environmental cooperation is fairly new. However, China, Japan and Korea, who have close cooperative relationships, are first to hold environmental ministerial meetings while the free trade zone is being established. What will be analyzed emphatically by the writer are that how the problem of climate change comes into the game area of international society and whether China, Japan and Korea could grab the opportunities of solving problems in the climate change to form a new mode in regional cooperation. This paper will start with descriptions in the current situation of low carbon cooperation among China, Japan and Korea, moreover respective low carbon policies of three countries will be introduced, then the writer will analyze possibilities to realize the cooperation in low carbon areas of three countries and its effective approaches, lastly influences of low carbon cooperation on the development of three countries, regional environment, even change in the international system as well as regional integration will be analyzed emphatically. The three E (environment-economy-ecology) research mode of traditional ecological economic research method is used to form the CEO (climate-economy-organization) analysis mode here in order to make an attempt at analyzing influences of climate change on the economic cooperation, regional institutionalization, even the establishment of regional organization and analyze the process of institutionalization in low carbon cooperation among three countries as well as the impact of such institutionalization on the development in these three countries and northeast Asia.


Read the full article here:       【气候变化】中日韩低碳合作机制化的途径与作用_刘宇.pdf