
Exploration of ESP teaching in universities based on international talent cultivation model ① -- Taking Liaoning University as an example

Date: 2024-01-02    Source: 

                                                                                                           Gu Yumin

                                                                                                School of Public Management

Abstract: Colleges and universities have trained a large number of professionals with a certain level of foreign languages for the country. Global integration and the construction of the "the Belt and Road" still urgently need a large number of international talents. It is extremely important to conduct scientific research and exploration on college English teaching to meet this demand. After the implementation of the 2017 version of the General High School English Curriculum Standards, the general improvement of English proficiency among middle school students is the foundation for practicing the ESP teaching model. Guided by the National Medium - and Long Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020), the School of Public Fundamentals of Liaoning University has carried out a multi-level and step-by-step professional oriented college English teaching practice.

Read the article here:           基于国际化人才培养模式下高...教学探究——以辽宁大学为例_顾玉敏.pdf