
Research on the International Talent Training Model for Life Sciences and Practice of Molecular Biology Course Teaching Reform

Date: 2024-01-02    Source: 

                                                                                           Lu Xiuli, Jin Lili, Alan Chang, 

                                                                          Cao XIangyu, Chen Dongsong, Huo Yapeng                                                    

                                                                                             School of Life Sciences

 Abstract: The rapid development of life science theory and technology has put new requirements forward for the training goals of life science students. We believe that this goal should be to cultivate high-quality innovative talents with international competitiveness and certain independent innovation capabilities. It has become extremely important to make beneficial attempts to achieve this goal at present. This article takes the molecular biology course taught in bilingual Chinese and English as an example to introduce the content and specific implementation plan of teaching reform, in order to provide reference for the practice of international talent cultivation mode in life sciences.

Read the article here:         生命科学国际化人才培养模式...分子生物学课程教学改革实践_芦秀丽.pdf