
Implementing Sino Foreign Cooperative Education Projects Is An Effective Channel to Improve the Quality of Talent Education

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 

                                                                                                                 Li Xuguang

                                                                                                   Asia-Australia Business College

Abstract: Sino foreign cooperative education usually refers to educational institutions jointly established by foreign educational institutions and Chinese educational institutions within China, with Chinese citizens as the main enrollment targets. The commonly referred to Sino foreign cooperative education generally refers to Sino foreign cooperative education projects encouraged by the state in the field of higher education and vocational education. At present, students in Sino foreign cooperative education programs mainly use or draw on the original textbooks, teaching plans, and teaching plans of international advanced universities, with bilingual teaching as the main approach, and teaching methods that fully reflect the integration of Chinese and foreign cultures; In contrast, students who are not part of Sino foreign cooperative education programs mainly use or draw on textbooks, teaching plans, and teaching plans published by advanced domestic universities, with mother tongue teaching as the main focus, and teaching methods lacking the integration of Chinese and foreign cultures. This article combines the author's teaching experience in the Sino foreign cooperative education project - Asia Australia Business School at Liaoning University, and conducts empirical analysis using the course grades of Microeconomics as an example to compare the learning effects of these two teaching modes. It is concluded that implementing Sino foreign cooperative education projects is an effective channel to improve the quality of talent education. The implementation of Sino foreign cooperative education projects is in line with the needs of China's education development, and can ensure the quality of education and teaching, playing a positive role in cultivating various talents in China's socialist construction cause.

Read the article here:         24.实施中外合作办学项目是一条有效提升人才教育质量的渠道_李旭光.pdf