
Exploration of the Interactive and Coordinated Development of Party Building Innovation and Campus Cultural Construction in Universities under the Sino foreign Cooperative Education Model

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 

                                                                                                             Song Xiaojun

                                                                                               Asia-Australia Business College

Abstract: Party building work in universities requires a rigorous attitude and a spirit of continuous innovation, and campus culture is the soul of universities. Sino foreign cooperative education is a new mode of education that has emerged in recent years, with its own characteristics in various aspects of education. This article aims to explore how to organically combine the innovation of university party building and campus cultural construction under the mode of Sino foreign cooperative education, and achieve the interactive and coordinated development of the two.

Read the article here:         中外合作办学模式下高校党建...建设互动协调发展的途径探索_宋筱隽.pdf