
An Analysis of the Promoting Role of Sino foreign Cooperative Education in the Internationalization of Higher Education

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 

                                                                                                                   Zhu Li

                                                                                           Asia-Australia Business College

Abstract: With the acceleration of economic globalization and the rapid development of the knowledge economy, international cooperation in higher education is becoming increasingly frequent and exchanges are increasing. Sino foreign cooperative education is regarded as one of the important means of internationalization of higher education. Its scale of operation is gradually expanding, continuously promoting the development process of internationalization of higher education and driving the reform and development of domestic higher education. This article analyzes the rise, development, and characteristics of Sino foreign cooperative education, and explores in depth the role and practical significance of Sino foreign cooperative education in promoting the internationalization of higher education.

Read the article here:       浅析中外合作办学对高等教育国际化的推动作用_朱丽.pdf