Qualitative research on the energy causes of environmental quality change in Liaoning province

Date: 2024-01-08    Source: 

Xu Long, School of Economics


Abstract: Energy consumption close relationship with environmental quality, energy produces wastewater, waste gas and solid waste in the process of consumption, which affect the environment quality. The increase of energy consumption will promote the development of economy, but the sustainable development requires that we not only pay attention to the development of economy and ignored the protection of environment

This paper is divided into four parts to study the effect of energy consumption on the environment quality:

(1) Analysis of energy consumption in liaoning province. First of all, analyze the change of the total energy consumption. There are more heavy industry enterprises in liaoning province, so that the base of energy consumption in liaoning province is too big, the total energy consumption is on the rise as a whole. Secondly analyzing the change of structure the in energy consumption. The consumption of coal and oil in liaoning province is more, natural gas and hydropower and other clean energy consumption is less. Different consumption structure will be effects on the environment different. This part mainly study of, the change of energy consumption structure in liaoning province.

(2) Research the emissions of pollutants in energy consumption process Pollutant discharge is roughly divided into three categories: waste water, waste gas, solid waste. Calculate the comprehensive environmental quality index by principal component analysis. The index in the size of the change to show the change of environmental quality. Liaoning province is an important industrial city, waste emissions in 1995-2013 is on the rise as a whole In recent three years , the environmental quality is gradually getting better, but the environment quality level is still low. 

(3) Study the relationship of the energy consumption and environmental quality by grey correlation analysis method in liaoning province, and establishing the econometric model to study the effect of energy consumption on the environment quality. Through research shows a close relation between energy consumption and environmental quality in liaoning province Coal, oil and gas have a long-term relationship with environmental quality.

(4) According to the above three parts of the results we can give the suggestions. We should further optimize the structure of energy consumption in liaoning province, improve the efficiency of energy utilization, optimize the structure of energy consumption, reduce pollution to the environment. Constantly improve the level of economy, protect the ecological environment and promote sustainable development.


Read the article here:       【可持续发展】辽宁省能源消费对环境质量影响的计量研究.pdf