Sustainable Development Of Small Loan Companies In China

Date: 2024-01-09    Source: 

Wang Li, School of Economics 


Abstract:Micro-credit has appeared in the 1970 s, as a new kind of credit poverty relief way, it effectively solve the problem of poor farmers fund shortage, at the same time, it make the sustainable development of Small and medium-sized enterprises possible. Since produced, micro-credit has been developed rapidly in the world, its position in the international credit markets continue to be improved, the successful of micro-credit institutions in the word, providing a lot of good demonstration in the development of micro-credit for our country

In recent years, China's rural financial reform to advance, for the agricultural infrastructure construction, increasing farmers' income, make important contributions to the development of rural economy and rural finance is still facing greater funding gap, the rural financial system is still imperfect, farmers loans difficult problems still outstanding; Behind the rapid development at the same time, the mini, small and medium enterprises is financing difficult problem to be solved. In order to improve  the rural financial market, solve the financing problem of small micro enterprises, regulate private lending capital, in the policy, driven by China's small loan company was born. Internationally, the birth and development of microfinance institutions are derived from the market demand, is a bottom-up initiative of institutional change, and China's small loan company was initially dominated by the government, is a simple copy of Bangladesh pattern, although the rapid development of the first few years, the number of institutions and the practitioners, but in recent years the development speed of the slowdown in the overall momentum of development, and sustainable problems of small loan companies face, Main show is: since there is no into the bank's credit system, to reduce cost and simplify the process of approving, cause its risk aversion ability is weak; Most of the small loan company not form a reasonable and efficient internal governance structure, lack of innovation; Policy discrimination make small loans company faces the strict interest rate policy, low financing leverage, such as heavy tax burden, micro-credit company's sustainable problems cannot be ignored.

To sum up, combined with the development of small loan companies in China, analyze the development situations for the sustainable development of small loan companies, the main content of the full text can be summarized as:

The first chapter, the important reference of research at home and abroad. System in this paper the scholars at home and abroad are introduced in the definition of small loan companies, risk control and sustainability issues such as the main research content of the research results. The second chapter, the development of small loan companies in China and operating mode. First analyzes the necessity of small loan companies produce, secondly analyses its development and operating characteristics. The third chapter, the analysis of current situation of the development of small loan companies. Combined with the actual situation of our country of this part, mainly from the expansion rate, loan growth and investment growth aspects analyze the current situation of the development, lay the foundation for later study. The fourth chapter, combining the actual situation in our country, analyze the small loan company's development. The fifth chapter, microfinance company classic mode analysis of the case. This part analyzes the grameen bank and modes of the people's bank of Indonesia, for the sustainable development of small loan companies in our country provides important experience for reference. The sixth chapter, promote countermeasures and Suggestions for the sustainable development of small loan companies in our country. In this section, on the basis of previous analysis, in order to promote the sustainable development of small loan companies in our country puts forward the countermeasures and Suggestions for China's national conditions.


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