
Regional Public Goods _ A New Perspective of Sustainable Development of Central Liaoning Urban Agglomeration

Date: 2024-01-17    Source: 

Liu Haiying, Zhang Huaxin, School of Economics


Abstract: With the coordination of all aspects within the economic zone, not only its economic development is integrated, but also its resource utilization and environmental protection tend to be integrated, and sustainable development has become a problem for the economic zone as a whole. Research shows that the insufficient supply of regional public goods is one of the fundamental factors affecting the sustainable development of the central Liaoning urban agglomeration. From the perspective of game analysis, the number of children consuming resources and environment in Nash equilibrium when the supply of regional public goods is sufficient is smaller than that when the supply of regional and urban public goods is insufficient, and the profit is larger than the maximum profit of the latter. It can be seen that the insufficient supply of regional public goods will cause the overuse of resources and environment and inefficiency. Therefore increasing the district and city supply of public goods is conducive to the sustainable development of central Liaoning urban agglomeration.


Read the article here:       【可持续发展】区域公共品_辽宁中部城市群可持续发展新视角.pdf