
Value of Taoist Thought to the Development of Contemporary Rule of Law from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization

Date: 2024-01-23    Source: 

Li Rongguang, Law School


 Abstract: Taoist thought contains the connotation of respecting nature, protecting the environment and enhancing the sustainability of development, in order to seek harmony and unity between man and nature. Nowadays, the construction of ecological civilization advocates respecting and protecting nature, maintaining ecological balance, and ultimately establishing a harmonious symbiotic order between human beings (including current and future generations), human beings and nature, and human beings and society. Taoist thought and modern ecological civilization is reflected in the common goal of harmony and unity between human beings and nature, respect for nature, the protection of nature's view of nature and a common path to achieve this goal through sustainable production and consumption. The value of Taoist thought to the development of the contemporary rule of law is reflected in the promotion of the ecological concept of legislation, the perfection of the ecology of the entire law enforcement process, the expansion of the connotation of judicial civilization and the promotion of the ecological way of thinking of the law-abiding subject.


Read the article here:       【可持续发展】生态文明视域下道家思想对当代法治发展的价值.pdf